Today is September 7, 2015 – the Labor Day holiday Monday here in America. As I understand it, this is a “day off” that was purchased through the efforts of hard-working, far-seeing, community-focused people who were passionate about many things. Together, they were determined to protect their core human rights, and those of their working-class peers, in ways that would benefit their entire generation – and others to come – for eternity. I see that Americans have been commemorating their victory for almost 130 years now, and as wonderful as it is to enjoy this spectacular gift, it’s even sweeter knowing that dedication to hard-work – and appreciation for it – are built-into our future.
Last spring, my own drives to do work and then to honor it led me to the interesting crossroads where “Rare Air” began. Suddenly, there are now 10 episodes, where each one represents a sort of holy meditation to me, while also hopefully holding some meaning for you. This new one was photographed last Saturday during an annual pilgrimage for our family, where luckily we’ve been invited to join a lovely group from Valle Crucis and Boone, North Carolina, a few hours’ drive away in Sapphire, at the one-and-only Camp Merrie-Woode. This classic summer camp for girls is also an idyllic getaway during the off-seasons, and every year when the fates align, we happily stream our ways there in late summer to play, feast, catch-up and make new memories together.

The way time flies, it surprises me to see that there are 10 entries for this little video project, and it’s also surreal adding up 11 years of Camp Merrie-Woode get-togethers. This year was especially poignant for us, given our move to Asheville in July. Somehow in the smallish town of Boone, we only rarely crossed paths with this group… and now, there are many miles between us and all our other old friends. So this year’s enjoyment was especially sublime.

Fairfield Lake is the heart of the Camp Merrie-Wood experience, so while the minute-long Rare Air video I’m sharing with you here doesn’t come close to encapsulating the place’s entirety, it is its essence. My family and I have had some magical moments in this water; hopefully, there are more to come.

Where ever this day finds you, I wish you life’s goodness in abundance, good friends and many loved ones to share it with. Those are blessings I’m savoring as I send this your way.