
Feb. 18, 2018: Monuments

Inspired by watching the movie “Paterson” – and also by the work on my to-do list today – I stole a little time to write the following. Separately, Amelia and Beth heard it read aloud… and approved.

by Roger Darnell

The days we spent in sacred places
are now the ivory treasures I take out
every so often, when I need to recall
the pure moments of togetherness
that bind us to one another forever.

America’s shared monuments welcomed us
and legions more, all rapt in worship,
or at least, drawn into a common lull
inspired by wilderness, wanderlust,
and time unaccounted for by civilization.

Our children have led us out and about
from their earliest days. We didn’t need
the inspiration of the Black Hills, of the
Grand Tetons, Rocky Mountains, or Olympic
Peninsula to comprehend nature’s majesty.

We were blessed to know, together,
Rocky Creek Road, the high trail, Peter Pan’s
hideout, Amelia Island, the shops, the pirate
ship, Rock Valley, Stay to Play Island, and
Dead Man’s Cave. All were gifts from God.

Still, something about the shared experiences
of Crazy Horse, Old Faithful and even Saint John
fills my heart to bursting as prizes bestowed
to those I hold dear. Those are monuments given
and absorbed, forever ours, registered in eternity.

Words copyright 2018 Roger Darnell, All Rights Reserved.

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.