Here are some notes from my journal on 10 July, 2017, the day this footage was recorded. “So long as nothing threatening presents itself, one can easily experience sheer bravado, even while visiting a world where we are so foreign. A half mile off the coast of St. John with mostly just ocean to the east and south, and Tortola a couple of miles away to the north, we were very exposed to all the natural life of the deep, dark sea. But as we swam from just around the tip of the south side to the north along the western edge, the creatures were all mostly akin to those we’d seen along St. John’s edges over the previous days. There was one exception.
“In a deep cleft along the island’s edge, looking very closely, I saw what appeared to be a giant porcupine fish shyly peeking out at me from under the rocks. I tried to get some footage and managed to capture the briefest glance from that stout fellow and some of his other sizable companions. I don’t know why that scene makes me smile – the main subject I was attempting to see more plainly definitely seemed bashful… and as it watched me flailing about trying to get a better look, it remained mostly concealed, and seemingly, at least mildly concerned I might reach it.
“One of the other distinct aspects of being out there had to do with the currents. Even though we were lucky to have calm winds and waters, near the island’s shoreline, the waves were just pounding, then recoiling with great force. In another cleft, I paused for a minute or two to shoot a scene with parrot fish appearing to ride the current down through a ravine and then go back up to repeat the thrill, over and over.
“Back on the Mahiya, Captain Karl told us he had unofficially named the Leduck destination Magic Cove. From beginning to end, the excursion felt tinged with that metaphysical extravagance.”

Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2017
Rare Air Episode 36, Part 1: Second trip to St. John for two
Rare Air Episode 37, Part 2: Sunset at Caneel Bay Resort
Rare Air Episode 38, Part 3: Honeymoon Beach, Caneel Bay Resort
Rare Air Episode 39, Part 4: Close Encounter with Otherworldly Locals
Rare Air Episode 40, Part 5: Diving Leduck Island
Rare Air Episode 41, Part 6: Our Octopus Friend
Rare Air Episode 42, Part 7: A Perfect Day Above and Below the Waves
Rare Air Episode 43, Part 8: Hello, We Must Be Going
Rare Air Episode 44, Part 9: Running Down a Dream
Rare Air Episode 45, Part 10: Reef Bay Sunrise
Rare Air Episode 46, Part 11: Coral Bay Sunset