You may recall me expressing interest in packaging “Rare Air” differently, in a longer form. I’m excited to dig into this as 2021 progresses. With luck, something worth seeing will show up here before too long. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy the unedited scene debuting here today, which is something of a magical moment on its own.
At the beginning of our 2017 trip to St. John, I started experimenting with shots where the camera was above water, then I took it under for almost a minute, then popped back to the surface. To me, this take is one of the better results. It could easily be a loop, going from the calm seagulls to the lazy minnows and back, stretching into an endless, very lovely day.
I captured another video right after this one: A very large fish that may have been a sea bass, stealthily, almost invisibly, cruised right through the middle of the “bait ball” documented in this episode. The fish was so big, it totally surprised me to see him emerge from behind the wall of tiny fish… and slowly swim off into the distance, like a thief in the night.
During 2020’s holidays, we mostly stuck close to home, and on most days, I slugged away on the agenda, aiming to wrap up the old year effectively… then to solidify 2021’s foundation. On Dec. 31, I began migrating to a new computer network… and it took me through the late evening of Jan. 1 to have all systems go, ready to carry on when business re-opens. Editing this video, writing these words, and publishing this piece here today represent more small victories for yours truly.
Here’s wishing you many wonderful days when natural wonders take you by surprise, including those when you create something special, whether you decide to share it with the world or not. Thank you for visiting and for your interest. I hope you’ll come back soon.
This photo from July 11 is available for free usage via my account on the amazing stock image resource, Unsplash.

Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2017
Rare Air Episode 36, Part 1: Second trip to St. John for two
Rare Air Episode 37, Part 2: Sunset at Caneel Bay Resort
Rare Air Episode 38, Part 3: Honeymoon Beach, Caneel Bay Resort
Rare Air Episode 39, Part 4: Close Encounter with Otherworldly Locals
Rare Air Episode 40, Part 5: Diving Leduck Island
Rare Air Episode 41, Part 6: Our Octopus Friend
Rare Air Episode 42, Part 7: A Perfect Day Above and Below the Waves
Rare Air Episode 43, Part 8: Hello, We Must Be Going
Rare Air Episode 44, Part 9: Running Down a Dream
Rare Air Episode 45, Part 10: Reef Bay Sunrise
Rare Air Episode 46, Part 11: Coral Bay Sunset