As you'll see in the next episode of Rare Air, exploring Rialto Beach was a vivid memory that's sure to live on for a while.
Where ever this day finds you, I wish you life's goodness in abundance, good friends and many loved ones to share it with.
In comparison, days like that make most others seem so routine and uneventful! If you get the chance to venture to any of these places, I hope you will seize it.
Wishing you all a joyous summer, too!
Photos of Tom Weis, president of Climate Crisis Solutions, on his journey to raise awareness of opposition to TransCanada’s Keystone XL pipeline project. Beginning Oct. 13, 2011, Weis rode his rocket trike from the Canadian border at Montana to Port Arthur, Texas, along the proposed path of the pipeline extension. The following letter from Tom Weis is being republished with the author’s permission.