Where ever this day finds you, I wish you life's goodness in abundance, good friends and many loved ones to share it with.
Featured Image: 2011 photo from our annual trip to Camp Merrie-Woode in Sapphire, North Carolina.
I hope that’s true for you and yours as well, and that you’ll enjoy this selection of photos we’ve taken since 2010 on our annual hiking trips to the Hebron Rock Colony.
This photo was taken on Feb. 9, 2002… 13 years ago, when Amelia was about six months old, and we were enjoying a family dinner at our home on Rocky Creek Road. We were joined by our other local family members, including Great Grandma Theresa Julien, Grandma Ginny Martin, Grandpa Bill Martin, Ann Kiefert, Chuck Bowling, and their kids Grace and Claire. I’m pretty sure this was one of the first dinners in this home, which was brand new at that time. Although we moved from that home “into town” back in 2008, it was so special to us –…
In comparison, days like that make most others seem so routine and uneventful! If you get the chance to venture to any of these places, I hope you will seize it.
By this summer's end, we'll leave this place, and although we are holding onto this home and property for now, there's no guarantee we'll return. So now you can understand what I'm on about...
As you take this in, you too are part of our wondrous life’s journey that makes us stop so often to say, "life is good," and "we just might be the luckiest people alive."
"Rare Air" is my original series of short travelogues intended to immerse us all in nature, if only for a minute.
Kalaloch Beach, captured June 16, 2014.
Often less than a trickle, that creek was a haven of life to us kids.