Read on What would I attempt to do if I knew I could not fail? This is a challenge my mother presented to me at different times in life. Happily, I’m coming up with some answers. First, I would write more, and aim to see that work through publication. And beyond that, I would spend more time traveling, capturing scenic beauty, and producing more nature documentaries.
Stay tuned for new virtual getaways coming soon.
You may recall me expressing interest in packaging “Rare Air” differently, in a longer form. I’m excited to dig into this as 2021 progresses. With luck, something worth seeing will show up here before too long. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll enjoy the unedited scene debuting here today, which is something of a magical moment on its own.
Sunset from Caneel Bay, July, 2017.
Meet our octopus friend!
More Rare Air, coming soon.
Uncle Kurtis and Friends Holiday Showcase @ Asheville Music Hall 12-15-2019
"Best snorkeling experience of our week"
Featured Image: Scene from July, 2017, among the wrasses in St. John.
Wishing each of you all the best throughout the difficult days to come, and looking forward to better days for us all.