
Randy Baker: On Location

Along with my mentor and dear friend Randy Baker (above left, and that’s me on the right), I am very proud to announce the release of our book, “Randy Baker: On Location” by yours truly. It’s available now in Softcover, Hardcover and Digital editions with no markup: http://blur.by/1crueUG Thank you very much for taking a look and for any support and feedback.

This book is a collaboration between television producer/director/videographer Randy Baker and publisher, press agent, writer and producer Roger Darnell. When you search the Internet Movie Database for Randy, you will find him listed as a director of photography, cinematographer, technical manager or camera operator for an amazing list of television shows that continues to grow year after year. The exclusive photographs in “Randy Baker: On Location” reflect his passions as a dedicated professional and a gifted imagemaker with a vibrant perspective, a humongous heart, and a great eye. All support is greatly appreciated; we hope you love the book and look forward to hearing your feedback.

If you have any questions on orders, please call me at 1.828.773.4410. Thank you very much for your interest!

Randy Baker: On Location
Randy Baker: O…
By Roger Darnell
Photo book

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.