
Rare Air Episode 4: Fort Flagler State Beach

Time in nature = sacred saturation.
“Rare Air” is my original series of short travelogues intended to immerse us all in nature, if only for a minute, and this episode is my fourth. I captured the footage on June 25, 2014, on the Olympic Peninsula in the state of Washington. Here’s a note from my journal that day.

The day was sunny and warm in monumental ways… so that the vacation seemed to have turned over a new leaf.

This is the northeast part of the peninsula, where we have the bay on the west and the ocean to the north, and Puget Sound to the east. Ahead of us, we have more time in Sequim, then the crossing to Victoria and the return trip across to Anacortes. Tonight we plan to stay in Fort Worden, and tomorrow night, in a hotel in Port Townsend.

I appreciate your feedback and hope you will find something inspiring and educational in these videos, and that some additional aspects of the world may find you through them. I’m planning to add a new episode each month.

Featured Image: Sun setting over Port Townsend by Roger Darnell.

Please stop back soon to see the newest episode of Rare Air.

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.