With this installment, the Rare Air encapsulation of our July, 2018, trip to Hawaii’s Big Island is now complete. May the artifacts from those memorable days and nights dance around in our collective consciousness forever. It was an exotic continuation of our adventures started in 2012, when we first set out to explore America and its National Parks together with our kids. The “trip of a lifetime” for Beth and me, it played out beautifully, ending with us all coming home to Asheville… as Amelia and Riley readied for their high school senior and freshmen years, respectively.

The footage in Rare Air Episode 35 was shot at sunrise on July 28, our second-to-last full day on the island. I have previously mentioned the attitude adjustment that naturally occurred over the course of our stay. Standing on the lava to shoot this daybreak, then soaking up the next 27 hours or so until we packed our bags, loaded our Jeep and drove away, I was thoroughly smitten. While the terrain did not initially match my idea of paradise, what was seen, felt and experienced worked powerful charms.

From my journal, describing the evening before: We arrived back at ‘home’ after 6, and while the girls made dinner, Riley and I struck out for the realm of turtles. That was fun, and so was dinner… sharing small talk, food and wine with our maturing offspring, hanging on to each lovely second and feasting on the moments in progress. Life is good! These days – and nights – are golden! Very likely, it will never get better than this… and in the future, we will look back on this exact time and thank God for our fate on the days of July, 2018, when we were able to experience Blue Dragon Bungalow in Puako, Hawaii, etcetera.
Hawaii Big Island, July, 2018
. December 2018 desktop calendar: Slideshow featuring select photos from our trip
. Rare Air Episode 30, Part 1: Trip overview; video from Puako on 7/28/18
. February 2019 desktop calendar: Waipi’o Valley Lookout
. Rare Air Episode 31, Part 2: Video from Akaka Falls on 7/25/18
. April 2019 desktop calendar: Kolekole Stream Bridge from Old Mamalahoa Highway
. Rare Air Episode 32, Part 3: Video from 7/25/18 at Kolekole Stream Bridge
. June 2019 desktop calendar: Kolekole Beach Park
. Rare Air Episode 33, Part 4: Ka’ahakini/Kolekole Streams
. August 2019 desktop calendar: Kolekole Beach Park
. Rare Air Episode 34, Part 5: Kolekole Beach
. October 2019 desktop calendar: Undersea in Puako Bay
. Rare Air Episode 35, Part 6: Video from Puako Bay
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