If I had ever experienced a close encounter with a squid before July 9, 2017, I don’t remember it. And on the other hand, the visitation recorded in the video featured here is something I will probably never forget.
On this trip, I had a new underwater housing for my Sony DSC-RX100 camera, and I didn’t yet have much experience attempting to frame subjects with it. That’s one factor; another is the ocean’s current. I suppose I probably was also at least a little taken aback by the steady gaze of 20 creatures who seemed quite interested in watching me.
Through the end of July, you can click the image below to download a custom desktop calendar for the month.
Offering awe-inspiring immersions into breathtaking travel destinations, all Rare Air series episodes are available for free on its Vimeo Channel: https://vimeo.com/channels/rareair. Stay tuned for new virtual getaways coming soon.

Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2017
Rare Air Episode 36, Part 1: Second trip to St. John for two
Rare Air Episode 37, Part 2: Sunset at Caneel Bay Resort
Rare Air Episode 38, Part 3: Honeymoon Beach, Caneel Bay Resort
Rare Air Episode 39, Part 4: Close Encounter with Otherworldly Locals
Rare Air Episode 40, Part 5: Diving Leduck Island
Rare Air Episode 41, Part 6: Our Octopus Friend
Rare Air Episode 42, Part 7: A Perfect Day Above and Below the Waves
Rare Air Episode 43, Part 8: Hello, We Must Be Going
Rare Air Episode 44, Part 9: Running Down a Dream
Rare Air Episode 45, Part 10: Reef Bay Sunrise
Rare Air Episode 46, Part 11: Coral Bay Sunset