
Rare Air Episode 48

How important is wellbeing – and how can you proactively impact it in your day-to-day existence? Addressing this quandary is a priority for me today, as I summon all my abilities, and share the latest installment of my original travel series, “Rare Air.”

Assuming you have a Vimeo login (which is now required for viewing videos posted on the platform), what you will find in Episode 48 is one minute of nature, captured in a secluded bay on the southern coast of the U.S. Virgin Island, Saint John. An upthrust of ancient rocks stands fast, as the Caribbean surf washes in and out, slowly and calmly.

Research by Louise Delagran for the University of Minnesota’s Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing reveals some profound benefits that come from viewing scenes of nature. To be clear, the upside increases with actual exposure, but even just watching Rare Air can reduce your blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and stress – while increasing positive mental stimuli.

While all aspects of wellbeing are of vast importance in the grand scheme of life, most of us have no regular systems in place to guide our minds in positive directions. As a result, it can be impossible to master our thoughts, to manage our mindset, and to benefit from the more solid mental and physical outlooks these efforts unleash. For this reason, I am drawn to many intelligent people who dedicate themselves to extolling the virtues of the full spectrum of self-healing practices, which can range from introspection, immersion in nature, meditation, yoga, travel, and much more.

Beth and I know how lucky we are to be able to regularly travel to beautiful locations, while also living in what many call God’s Country. On a very deep level, these publications are my therapy, prompting me to create and share original stories and content of my own volition. Still, I continue to embrace the probability that Rare Air offers something for everyone.

Indeed, I hope it’s good to you, and that you will come back for more. Also, I sincerely look forward to hearing from you any time.

Please stop back soon for more Rare Air.

Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2019
Rare Air Episode 47, Part 1: Third Time’s the Charm
Rare Air Episode 48, Part 2: Ancient Eruption
Rare Air Episode 49, Part 3: Omniscience, Part One
Rare Air Episode 50, Part 4: Omniscience, Part Two
Rare Air Episode 51, Part 5: Heaven on Earth
Rare Air Episode 52, Part 6: Return Trip to Waterlemon
Rare Air Episode 53, Part 7: Underwater at Waterlemon Cay
Rare Air Episode 54, Part 8: Fish Life on the Cay
Rare Air Episode 55, Part 9: Snorkeling Hansen Bay
Rare Air Episode 56, Part 10: School of Bar Jacks
Rare Air Episode 57, Part 11: Sunset Over Bordeaux Mountain
Rare Air Episode 58, Part 12: Future Present
Rare Air Episode 59, Part 13: Floating and Sunken Treasure

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.