
Rare Air Episode 50

Up to a certain point in time, my inner artist mostly lost the battle for my attention. That situation was intentional, as I looked at everything that mattered the most to me in the world, and prioritized business affairs, fearing I might otherwise come up short. Still, as our children grew up and our good luck held, the artist refused to remain silent.

In the times where I focused inwardly, writing and creative photography proved invaluable. Relying on the skills used so effectively for business clients, I took baby steps toward planning out some things I could do which would inspire, nurture, and honor the artist, and hopefully, interest some others.

The seed for “Rare Air” was conceived ten years ago, as part of our first trip to explore America’s National Parks. A decade later, it has become an essential component of the demonstration of this belief: As an artist, I have something to say.

From this seed, I have made progress on an even broader agenda that arose through journal writing on this sacred journey of 2019. Since then, the business man has stepped into the spotlight to share his hard-earned wisdom, and the author, poet, creator, and publisher joined forces to illuminate their parts in this life walk.

Dreams can become real, in the best case scenarios, and the steps necessary to manifest them are achievable. This is the omniscience that is lighting the way for me at this moment, as 2023 begins.

Please stop back soon for more Rare Air.

Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2019
Rare Air Episode 47, Part 1: Third Time’s the Charm
Rare Air Episode 48, Part 2: Ancient Eruption
Rare Air Episode 49, Part 3: Omniscience, Part One
Rare Air Episode 50, Part 4: Omniscience, Part Two
Rare Air Episode 51, Part 5: Heaven on Earth
Rare Air Episode 52, Part 6: Return Trip to Waterlemon
Rare Air Episode 53, Part 7: Underwater at Waterlemon Cay
Rare Air Episode 54, Part 8: Fish Life on the Cay
Rare Air Episode 55, Part 9: Snorkeling Hansen Bay
Rare Air Episode 56, Part 10: School of Bar Jacks
Rare Air Episode 57, Part 11: Sunset Over Bordeaux Mountain
Rare Air Episode 58, Part 12: Future Present
Rare Air Episode 59, Part 13: Floating and Sunken Treasure

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.

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