
Rare Air Episode 51

Life keeps pressing us forward, while this expanding chronicle keeps drawing me back into vacation days of the past. Each time we return from vacation and reconform to our standard mode of living, we become hyper-aware of the differences. Too bad we all can’t hang around in paradise, eat all our meals in colorful restaurants, and let the good times roll, each and every day.

The lust for wandering hit us pretty hard yesterday. Sitting at home with our laptops open, we scouted exotic locations all along the U.S. coastlines and throughout the Caribbean. As it winds up, all we really want is to be able to go back to the beach cottage where all these recent Rare Air episodes were captured. This remains our ideal vision of Heaven on Earth.

Please stop back soon for more Rare Air.

Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2019
Rare Air Episode 47, Part 1: Third Time’s the Charm
Rare Air Episode 48, Part 2: Ancient Eruption
Rare Air Episode 49, Part 3: Omniscience, Part One
Rare Air Episode 50, Part 4: Omniscience, Part Two
Rare Air Episode 51, Part 5: Heaven on Earth
Rare Air Episode 52, Part 6: Return Trip to Waterlemon
Rare Air Episode 53, Part 7: Underwater at Waterlemon Cay
Rare Air Episode 54, Part 8: Fish life on the cay
Rare Air Episode 55, Part 9: Snorkeling Hansen Bay

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.

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