Each episode of Rare Air encapsulates some moment where I was completely immersed in recording another of Mother Nature’s sacred revelations. Sublime visions such as these – and others exponentially more spectacular – play out constantly on this extraordinary planet of ours. Leaning in offers me yet another opportunity to appreciate the past, and hope for what might come in the future if all goes well.

Prior to visiting Saint John for the very first time in 2016, Beth downloaded a guidebook to her Kindle. Entitled “St. John Feet, Fins and Four-Wheel Drive,” I still remember hearing her read author Pam Gaffin’s description of Waterlemon Cay aloud, and instantly adding it to our growing list of must-do excursions.
This recording from our 2019 trip documented our second visit to the spot, and since then, we’ve been back once more. There is a lovely scenic hike to and from, and under the surface, we have followed Ms. Gaffin’s instructions and circumnavigated the cay counterclockwise on every visit.
What makes it so special? Everything.
Please stop back soon for more Rare Air.
Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2019
Rare Air Episode 47, Part 1: Third Time’s the Charm
Rare Air Episode 48, Part 2: Ancient Eruption
Rare Air Episode 49, Part 3: Omniscience, Part One
Rare Air Episode 50, Part 4: Omniscience, Part Two
Rare Air Episode 51, Part 5: Heaven on Earth
Rare Air Episode 52, Part 6: Return Trip to Waterlemon
Rare Air Episode 53, Part 7: Underwater at Waterlemon Cay
Rare Air Episode 54, Part 8: Fish Life on the Cay
Rare Air Episode 55, Part 9: Snorkeling Hansen Bay
Rare Air Episode 56, Part 10: School of Bar Jacks
Rare Air Episode 57, Part 11: Sunset Over Bordeaux Mountain
Rare Air Episode 58, Part 12: Future Present
Rare Air Episode 59, Part 13: Floating and Sunken Treasure
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