
Rare Air Episode 59

I’ve been featuring video shot during our 2019 trip to St. John since episode 47. Revisiting what I wrote to accompany that edition – and almost every one since – pining away for past times is clearly my recurring theme. Honoring the present does remain vastly important for me, always, and yet, this digital pathway is sure to involve even more savoring of sweet, bygone times.

Once more I returned to the journal entries from this vacation week, which ran 1-8 July. The trip was the first of our two stays in the Limetree Cove Beach Cottage; immediately, we knew this place was extra special. Back in 2019, one ultra-unique aspect was its close proximity to the Lime Out floating taco bar.

Through fate, we found ourselves staying “just around the bend” from what was incredibly cool for us at the time, and which remains one of St. John’s most awesome attractions. Find it online at https://limeoutvi.com, and read on to hear how we first found it almost six years ago.

July 2, 2019
We are now firmly ensconced at The Beach Cottage, here in Limetree Cove. We arrived last night at about 9 pm, and Olivier was kind enough to meet us in Coral Bay, then lead the way here through donkeys, deer, at least one giant crab, and very little traffic. As much as we were in love with Over the Rainbow, this place has it beat. That ranking has to do with its location on the water, but also, all the other amenities, except for the pool. We both feel so lucky to be here.

Not too far away (within “swimming distance,” we proved earlier) there is a floating taco bar. However, it was rush hour when we swam up using our floaties, and the kayaks were already lined up two-deep. We opted out, but I’ll be surprised if we don’t try again another day.

July 4, 2019 (written on July 8th)
This was our day to line things up to experience Lime Out in Hansen Bay. We were the perfectly aligned team, getting out the door with all the right stuff right after 10. Arriving at Hansen Bay in about a minute, we met Thalia once again, and she got us parked in the shade, since we were among the very first arrivals. We also reserved the kayak needed to get out to the taco bar; it wound up being $30 for a two-person boat for two hours.

We snorkeled for about 70 minutes, then came and claimed our kayak as the crowds were growing and jockeying for position to get to Lime Out. We arrived and, after tying up our boat, were the 5th and 6th people to swim onto a submerged barstool. It was quite an operation, and we took it all in, pounding beers and five tacos in total, including two shrimp, two tuna, and a ceviche. We spent $100 … and swam away very happy. We then spent 20 minutes attempting to locate the HMS Santa Monica wreck. Maybe someday we’ll actually find the remains of the late 1700s Spanish ship, which is supposedly a stone’s throw away from Lime Out’s current location.

Thanks for your interest, as always. Please return soon for more Rare Air.

Saint John, U.S. Virgin Islands, July, 2019
Rare Air Episode 47, Part 1: Third Time’s the Charm
Rare Air Episode 48, Part 2: Ancient Eruption
Rare Air Episode 49, Part 3: Omniscience, Part One
Rare Air Episode 50, Part 4: Omniscience, Part Two
Rare Air Episode 51, Part 5: Heaven on Earth
Rare Air Episode 52, Part 6: Return Trip to Waterlemon
Rare Air Episode 53, Part 7: Underwater at Waterlemon Cay
Rare Air Episode 54, Part 8: Fish Life on the Cay
Rare Air Episode 55, Part 9: Snorkeling Hansen Bay
Rare Air Episode 56, Part 10: School of Bar Jacks
Rare Air Episode 57, Part 11: Sunset Over Bordeaux Mountain
Rare Air Episode 58, Part 12: Future Present
Rare Air Episode 59, Part 13: Floating and Sunken Treasure

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.