
April 27, 2009: Stage might from Daddy…

Late in this busy day, I surprised myself by opening up my “Ramble” writing project. There are nine entries remaining in the full project, which counts down from 65 lines to one, where each line has 38 characters or less. When I began the project in 2003, one of my goals was to challenge myself to write simply.

Tonight, writing this, I was thinking about my conversations with Amelia and her recent performance. Maybe these words, written on a piece of paper in her pocket, might help?

Ramble #9

by Roger Darnell

There’s a way of playing, when safe with
favorite cousins, wherein we find extra
bravado, which fuels our most colorful
descriptions of personalities or lifeforms.
Cousins may wish to interject ideas and
observations you should consider. Waiting,
your turn arrives. All are watching you…
and you nail it. That is performance itself.
Concentrate on your message, and have fun!

January 17, 2008: #17
January 18, 2008: #16
February 1, 2009: #10
April 27, 2009: #9
October 3, 2009: #8
May 9, 2010: #7
August 18, 2010: #6
Arc of the Poet, Part 14: Ramblings (#5)
Arc of the Poet, Part 15: Being (#4-#2)

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.