
Oct. 13, 2013: The Perfect Record

The Perfect Record
by Roger Darnell

The most elegant and seemingly effortless leader rests now,
in a state far beyond anything we followers ever imagined.
Without giving it a thought, it has always seemed certain
that this presence would endure, and rise to protect us

in any time when life had worn us down. Strength appears
in many forms, but I have seen the supreme rendition within
the warmest, readiest, deep-hearted contentedness that is so
profound, it has made stability, security, light and goodness.

Of course, at its best, this is what nature has required to
support life: The essential caring foundation of motherhood.
The loving leadership appears in every act of nurturing
between a life-giver and a life-receiver, and eventually,

the receivers can come to stand alone, where the cycle
can spin on and on, adding waves of leaders from those
powerful seeds of love and care. What a challenge we face,
knowing how far we’ve come and by what miracles,

when we look for that strength and it turns up missing,
or even when it is evidently absorbed in struggles we can
hardly comprehend, deflect, postpone, mitigate or vanquish.
In so many ways, to us, our leader has built a perfect record.

In our heart of hearts, our fear and sadness gravitate to
places so low, drowning seems inevitable: How to carry on?
With that vital record woven into our very blood vessels,
our hearts beat on, filling the fabric so expertly sewn.

(Copyright 2013 Roger Darnell, All Rights Reserved.)

Author, communications consultant, publisher, and career guide Roger Darnell is principal of creative-industry PR firm, The Darnell Works Agency.

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