"Rare Air" is my original series of short travelogues intended to immerse us all in nature, if only for a minute.
The day was sunny and warm in monumental ways… so that the vacation seemed to have turned over a new leaf.
Kalaloch Beach, captured June 16, 2014.
Time in nature = sacred saturation.
I hope you'll find something inspiring and perhaps somehow educational in these videos, and that some additional aspects of the world may find you through them.
make any move you can - we all soon disappear.
In November of 1998, Beth and I were living in our Barrington Way townhome in Glendale, California, which hosted us and our cats nicely enough through a very exciting and challenging time. Going back to Arc of the Poet, that was our critical California move in the so-called “Fame and Fortune” era. While I was extremely thankful at that time to have landed on the staff of Crest National in Hollywood, my film industry dreams were still very personal, and I pressed on to the best of my abilities on every front. Externally, I continued to “swing for the fence”…
The Perfect Record by Roger Darnell
We are very proud to be joining 10,000 like-minded friends in Washington, D.C., next Sunday (“President’s Day” in America), to be part of a peaceful demonstration. Why? For me personally, I can say for sure that a key reason is the deep emotional connection that occurred in me when I watched the above ad, and another more famous one named “The Crying Indian,” as a young boy about 42 years ago. It requested of me that I help “Keep America beautiful,” and on some level, I have been trying to do that ever since. Now more than ever, we are…